Is it illegal to stop on a Keep Clear sign?

The giant letters printed on the road are designed to help keep traffic flowing, but can you be fined for blocking a Keep Clear sign?

Many drivers view the big printed Keep Clear signs on our city roads as more of a suggestion than a rule, with these designated clearance zones often caught up and blocked by the busy flow of urban traffic.

If you think you can creep ahead on your commute by covering a painted Keep Clear sign, think again, as Section 96 of the Australian road rules notes “drivers must not stop on any area of the road marked with a keep clear marking”, with penalties varying depending on where you are.

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Simple, right? Not quite.

With many Keep Clear zones implemented to allow traffic to move in and out of driveways and side streets into more major thoroughfares, what if by attempting to enter the through road (turning from a driveway or side street) by using a correctly cleared Keep Clear zone, you end up blocking it in the process?

Think of it as Schrodinger’s intersection, as it is both blocked and clear at the same time…

The good news for drivers is that most road police departments we contacted around the country will take a common sense view here, providing what you have done is supported by the Give Way or Stop sign you face at the intersection.

That said, an NT Police spokesperson noted, “Keep Clear zones should be installed to improve the ability of drivers to exit the major road and is not intended for the purpose of improving access from the minor road”, meaning that the importance is for drivers turning right from the main road rather than those leaving the side street or driveway.

Bottom line, if it says Keep Clear, keep it clear.

Is it illegal to stop on a Keep Clear sign in NSW?

In New South Wales, a driver must not stop on an area of the road marked with a Keep Clear marking.

The maximum penalty is 20 penalty units or $2200.

Is it illegal to stop on a Keep Clear sign in QLD?

A spokesperson for Queensland Police noted that if the side street has a stop sign and you wish to turn left into the flow of traffic (and onto a Keep Clear zone), you are technically not permitted to enter the road until it is clear, which is when the traffic starts moving again.

If the road has a Give Way sign, you can move forward.

Blocking a Keep Clear zone in Queensland has a prescribed penalty of $237 and three demerit points.

Is it illegal to stop on a Keep Clear sign in VIC?

The penalty for blocking a Keep Clear sign in Victoria is three penalty units ($576.93).

Is it illegal to stop on a Keep Clear sign in SA?

A spokesperson from South Australia Police noted again that rule 96 covers the letter of the law in SA but that in terms of policing, “common sense should prevail” with the focus placed on drivers on the through street rather than those turning into the Keep Clear zone.

The penalty for blocking a Keep Clear sign in South Australia is up to a $522 fine and three demerit points.

Is it illegal to stop on a Keep Clear sign in ACT?

An ACT Police spokesperson noted: “The purpose of a keep clear zone is to allow vehicles to pass through the intersection, generally in several directions. If one is being blocked, then yes, the driver blocking the zone can be fined. In saying this, Police will always apply discretion to any enforcement.”

A fine of up to 20 penalty units may be imposed for blocking a Keep Clear ($3200).

Is it illegal to stop on a Keep Clear sign in TAS?

Tasmanian drivers who block a Keep Clear sign can face a penalty of up to five units ($700).

Is it illegal to stop on a Keep Clear sign in WA?

The rule in Western Australia is the same as in other states, but it is noted in the legislation as Road Rule 77 rather than Rule 96. A fine of up to four penalty units ($200) may be applied.

Is it illegal to stop on a Keep Clear sign in NT?

Drive contacted Northern Territory police who noted that “a keep clear zone, regardless if on a thoroughfare or entering from a side street, is a keep clear zone.”

The post Is it illegal to stop on a Keep Clear sign? appeared first on Drive.

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